High School

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers
(3 John 1:2)
LifeTeen (High School Ministry) at St. Michael’s provides year-round opportunities for youth engagement in the Parish. The program is designed for 9th to 12th graders and aims to lead teens closer to Christ through personal encounters.
2023-24 Faith Formation Handbook
Confirmation Handbook 2023-24
Fast Facts about High School (Lifeteen) Sessions
NOTE: There is currently NO home study option for high-schoolers. Please contact Ted with any questions or concerns.
Confirmation Preparation
Confirmation Preparation is a two-year process beginning as early as 9th Grade (Year 1) and ending with Confirmation as early as 10th Grade (Year 2).
Confirmation Handbook 2023-24
Other Confirmation Forms:
- Saint Name
- Sponsor Form
- Service Form
- Bishop Letter Submission
- Interview sign-up
- Retreat sign-up
NOTE: If you attend a Catholic High School, you will still have to complete the 2-year program.
Summer Opportunities
- Habitat for Humanity Work Camp in Garrett County, MD
- LifeTeen Camp Covecrest in Tiger, GA
- Steubenville Youth Conference
- HighLi
- Middle School Mini Camp (apply as a Peer Minister)
Parish Pathways
Youth are encouraged to pick a parish pathway whenever they feel ready. Options for high school leaders include altar servers, scouts, VBS, gardening, and pastoral visitors; and serving as a peer minister for summer camp, faith formation or retreats.
If you need service hours, follow us on Instagram (@smpsyouth) to find out about new opportunities!
Currently recruiting for Leaders on Sunday! Please email [email protected] if you can volunteer.
If you have any questions, please email Sydney.
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