We are indeed blessed to live and practice our Catholic Faith together at St. Michael, Poplar Springs. However, we need to insure that our Liturgy, services, programs, physical plant, and vision for our Faith Community remain strong. As with all things temporal, ongoing support is a necessity.

St. Michael has several Endowment Funds established through the Catholic Community Foundation. The growth of these funds, over time, will provide an income stream that will help secure the future of our parish for generations to come. The distribution from these funds includes support for:

  • Parish Operations (Maintenance and upkeep)
  • Catholic Education
  • Music & Liturgy
  • Youth & Sports
  • Service Justice
  • The Bill and Inez Thomas Endowment (for maintenance of the Cemetery)

Donate directly to our cemetery fund at the Catholic Community Foundation here

You can also make a gift via your Give Central account The Bill and Inez Thomas Endowment for Cemetery Maintenance
Financial planning through endowments will help meet unforeseen or unplanned needs that arise, without strain or stress on parish operations, liturgies, and ministries. The parish is actively seeking to grow these funds.

A monthly collection has been established for your convenience. You may designate which area you would like your endowment gift to benefit. Please donate using the endowment envelope or through our online giving.

You may also establish your own named family fund as a meaningful way to memorialize a loved one or as a living tribute to your faith. The designation of the distribution of your endowment will help to fund parish needs now and into the future.

Click here to discover more ways to contribute to our endowment funds. You may also call or email Donna Binney, Parish Business Manager 410-489-7667 ext. 4

For additional information, please click on any of the links below: