Pre-K to 5th Mission
Our Mission for the religious education of the children of St. Michael Church is to:
- Teach them to become pillars of the Catholic Church.
- Provide an opportunity for shared prayer time with peers during class and extra–curricular events throughout the year.
- Share the Gospel message at their level in order to understand the teaching of scripture and its message to them in their current lives. We strive to make the Gospel relevant to them in their daily lives through our teaching.
- Provide an opportunity for children to spend time discovering their Catholic identity and embrace the sacramental life of the church.
- To help them grow as a community of believers by surrounding themselves with the church’s structure and spiritual support.
- To provide weekly lessons based on the doctrine of the Church and the teachings from the Catechism
of the Catholic Church. - To provide a Family life curriculum that is based on morality and virtues that are central to our Catholic beliefs.

Children's Liturgy of the Word
10:30 Mass from October – April
The program is designed for children ages 3 years to 3rd grade. The children join the community at Mass. They will be invited to the Altar for a blessing from our Pastor and then escorted to the Library by an adult teacher where they will hear and participate in the Liturgy of the Word for children. They will be brought back to Mass after the Prayer of the Faithful.
Vacation Bible School
Returning next year in 2025!
Contact the office about late registration.
2024-25 Faith Formation Handbook
Elementary Faith Formation Schedule 2024-25
Permission & Waiver Form