The St Michael’s Divorce Care Ministry is geared towards restoration. It aims to provide a safe environment for Catholics struggling with the emotional hurricane which is the dissolution of a Catholic marriage. Regardless of how long ago this life-changing event happened – just a few months or 20 years ago – our immediate focus for members is to reach a place of healing, compassion, and acceptance. Once this has been achieved, our focus turns towards forgiveness and restoration. Heavy emphasis is given to the sacraments as conduits to reach each of these stages. To accomplish this, we work on removing any impediments to these sources of grace. Reconciliation, mass, and the annulment process are the pillars of our journey towards full restoration. For resources and literature, click here.
Group meetings are mostly online, with a few in-person social meetings if there is enough interest. We meet every Wednesday 7:30 ET from Sept to May. One-on-one meetings can be scheduled with Deacon Harbey at any time at [email protected].
St. Michael’s Faith Formation program is ordered towards helping parents pass on the Faith to their families and ensure their children have the tools necessary to freely choose salvation. Our Faith Formation Staff partners with families in their commitment to raising their families as Catholic Christians. We provide opportunities for parishioners of all ages to grow in their understanding of the faith and to develop their relationship with Christ.
Come join other men of faith in an environment of trust and respect, to talk, discuss and learn about our faith in a small group setting.
Some recent topics include: fatherhood, prayer, reconciliation, the Rosary, eternal rest, suffering, the first American martyr, the Holy Spirit, evangelization, Sacred Art – Iconography, apologetics, “Who is Jesus?”, Idolatry of Identity, Mission of the Family, Lenten Journey with Sister Miriam, and “into the Breach”.
Each Wednesday and Saturday morning we meet from 7am till 8am. On Wednesday morning, we meet in the library/resource center at St. Michael, and on Saturday morning, a small group meets off-campus.
Each week, a reminder email is sent out that includes the topic and video link that we will watch and discuss that week.
For questions: Call/text or email John Sotak at 301-655-1103 or [email protected]
Please join us!
The purpose of our Respect Life Ministry is to promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and to support men, women and families in need during any circumstances related to these issues. Our Mission is to encourage respect life legislation, education, and support for all members and non-members of our community.
Click here to find many resources for various Respect Life organizations and initiatives. If you are looking to take action today, go to mdrtl.org now!
“We seek to protect religious liberty . . . . because we are lovers of a human dignity that was fashioned and imparted not by the government but by the Creator. We defend religious liberty because we are lovers of every human person, seeing in the face of every man and woman also the face of Christ, who loved us to the very end and who calls on us to love and serve our neighbor with the same love he has bestowed on us” – Archbishop William Lori, Installation Homily (May 2012)
Respect Life Chair: Trudy McNamara
Join a Small Faith Group and connect with others within our community to learn and increase our faith. To belong, connect, share, and grow with each other.
Register to join one of our Small Faith Groups! One of our leads will reach out to you to invite you to a group!
Current Groups:
- Young Adults – Various spiritual and social activities, Contact: Jonah Wisniewski ([email protected])
- Join the Young Adult GroupMe -> https://groupme.com/join_group/101784823/9xpXLFwQ
- Women’s Bible Study – Monday mornings 10 – 11:30am in Library, Contact: Linda Gasch (443-812-0751 or [email protected])
- Mixed Adult Small Group – Monday evening 7 – 8:30pm in Library, Contact: Donna Binney (301-471-5510)
- Women’s Book Club – Contact: Simone Blanchard (404 – 218 – 4910 or [email protected])
- Man Alive – Thursday Mornings 6:30 – 9am, Contact: John Sotak (301-655-1103 or [email protected])
- More to come!