The purpose of our Respect Life Ministry is to promote the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and to support men, women and families in need during any circumstances related to these issues. Our Mission is to encourage respect life legislation, education, and support for all members and non-members of our community.

On this page, you will find many resources for various Respect Life organizations and initiatives. If you are looking to take action today, go to now!

march for life bus photo 2016(March for Life 2016)

(March for Life 2017 after morning Mass and a blessing from Fr. Mike before leaving for DC)

“We seek to protect religious liberty . . . . because we are lovers of a human dignity that was fashioned and imparted not by the government but by the Creator. We defend religious liberty because we are lovers of every human person, seeing in the face of every man and woman also the face of Christ, who loved us to the very end and who calls on us to love and serve our neighbor with the same love he has bestowed on us”   – Archbishop William Lori, Installation Homily (May 2012)



Right to Life

The Gabriel Network

Click here to contact the Gabriel Network

A Christian ministry of loving service to women and families challenged by a crisis pregnancy.  They have been helping women and children in MD and DC for more than twenty years.

Maryland Right to Life

Click here for Right to Life

Join the fight for LIFE by signing up to receive alerts for advocacy, information on upcoming events, and news today! Maryland Right to Life Mission Maryland Right to Life, Inc. (MDRTL) recognizes the fundamental value of every human life. MDRTL works to protect all human life by working to make abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos socially, legally, and morally unacceptable and by promoting positive alternatives to these acts. 

Pro Life Physicians in Maryland 

Click here to find a pro-life OB-GYN 

The reason AAPLOG exists is to encourage and equip its members and other concerned medical practitioners to provide an evidence-based rationale for defending the lives of both the pregnant mother and her pre-born child. 

Natural Family Planning

Click here for Catholic Women & Couples Natural Family Planning

Catholic Women & Couples NFP [CWCNFP] is a lay-Catholic organization which teaches, without charge, Fertility Awareness and Natural Family Planning [NFP] to Adult Catholic Women  and Catholic Couples. Our mission is to assist Catholic Couples and Adult Catholic women to prepare for and to live virtuous marriages in full harmony with Catholic Church teaching.

Live Action – Click here for LiveAction

Live Action exists today to shift public opinion on the killing of preborn children and defend the rights of these most vulnerable among us. Through compelling educational media, human interest storytelling, and investigative reporting, we reveal the humanity of the preborn and expose the abortion industry’s exploitation of women for profit.

Respect Life


Click here for Respect Life Material is a project of the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. The Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, under the guidance and direction of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, works to teach respect for all human life from conception to natural death, and organize for its protection. To serve this goal, we develop resources on pro-life topics in support of the Church’s mission to proclaim that every human life is a precious gift from God. 

Maryland Catholic Conference

Click here for MCC Respect Life Material

The Maryland Catholic Conference addresses issues that affect the inherent value and dignity of human life at all stages because, as Pope Francis has said, “All life has inestimable value; even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn, and the poor are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.

Nearby Pregnancy Centers

The Columbia Pregnancy Center

Click here for the Columbia Pregnancy Center

A non-profit organization that is supported solely by individual and organizational contributions. We are a community-based center, and make our services and resources available for free to anyone who may be in need of them. We offer many services designed to help women and families before, during, and after the birth of their babies, as well as to women hurting from experiences that they have suffered in the past.

Birthright of Frederick

Click here for the Birthright of Frederick

At Birthright, they understand the challenges related to unplanned pregnancies. Birthright is available to women for as long as they need us. We offer love, friendship, and support to women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant.  Birthright is interdenominational and is not involved in any political activities, or lobbying. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.

Pregnancy Support Center of Carroll County

Pregnancy Support Center of Carroll County Click here for the PSC of Carroll County

PSC of Carroll County is an organization dedicated to providing medical services, resources, and support to pregnant women at no cost. Our goal is to give every woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy the opportunity to get the facts about the options open to her, and then make an empowered, informed decision about her future. PSC is supported solely by the generosity of private individuals and foundations, and receives no government funding.

There is hope after abortion.

Project Rachel

Click here to contact Project Rachel

Project Rachel, the Catholic Church’s ministry to those who have been involved in abortion, is a diocesan-based network of specially trained priests, religious, counselors, and laypersons who provide a team response of care for those suffering in the aftermath of abortion. In addition to referring for Sacramental Reconciliation, the ministry provides an integrated network of services, including pastoral counseling, support groups, retreats and referrals to licensed mental health professionals.

It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion.  It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.  You are not alone.

Natural End of Life

Resources coming soon!