The St. Michael Parish Library 
Dedicated to Clementine Victoria Ruane 
Mother of beloved Pastor Emeritus Father Michael Ruane
on the occasion of her 102nd birthday.
An avid reader, daily reading was her companion.
May it be yours
March 29, 2004
 About the library from the desk of Fr. Mike:
 One of my goals and objectives as a pastor has been to establish a multi-media church library for
adults and children.  Over the years, as a parish priest, I was frustrated with the lack of space
for a good parish library.  In previous assignments I maintained the pamphlet racks and conducted
book sales to serve the educational needs of staff, parents, catechists, lay leaders, etc.
I wish to follow the Dominican motto: ‘contemplata tradere’ to ‘hand over the fruits of contemplation’,
i.e., to share the fruits of my research and provide resources that would challenge and inspire,
teach and instruct, enable and empower, and, yes, entertain.  One can also appreciate the ambiance
and the varied subjects with reverence for God’s creation and respect for the sciences.
Since my mother Clementine was such an avid reader almost up until the time of her death – fifty-one days shy of 103-
it was kind of Don D’Valle when he served on the Pastoral Council to move that the church library be named in her honor.
You can see her photo on the dedication plaque in the library.
The word disciple means ‘one who learns’ so I wanted to provide a multi-media
resource center to equip for missionary discipleship and to enhance those in ministry.  In
the 1485 sq. ft. library established in 2003 there are books, vdeos, cds, etc. for all ages; faith-based
and family friendly movies.  I hope it has been enjoyed by many so far.  It certainly impresses visitors!
Our library is at the disposal of all our parishioners of every age.
Please feel free to wander in the peaceful setting overlooking the surrounding countryside and

sign out books and videos for the pleasure of your family.



 Downloadable Books

stacked books with a tablet on top



Recommended Reading

     stacked books




  • Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
  • Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church
  • Adam, Karl – The Spirit of Catholicism
  • St. Augustine – City of God
  • Aumann, Jordan – Spiritual Theology
  • Belloc, Hilaire – The Great Heresies,How the Reformation Happened, Survivals & New Arrivals
  • Bouyer, Louis – The Spirit & Forms of Protestantism
  • Carroll, Warren – History of Christendom
  • Chesterton, G.K. – The Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy
  • Chesterton, G.K. – The Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy
  • Dawson, Christopher – Christianity & European Culture
  • St. Francis de Sales – Treatise on the Love of God
  • Eliot, T.S. – Christianity & Culture
  • Hahn, Scott – Rome Sweet Home
  • Pope John Paul II – Love & Responsibility
  • Knox, Ronald – Enthusiasm
  • Kreeft, Peter – Christianity for Modern Pagans
  • Leclercq, Jean – The Love of Learning & the Desire for God
  • Lewis, C.S. – Mere Christianity, The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters
  • Neuhaus, Richard John – Catholic Matters
  • Ott, Ludwig – Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma
  • Oursler, Fulton – The Greatest Story Every Told
  • Pieper, Josef – The Four Cardinal Virtues
  • Rice, Richard – 50 Questions on the Natural Law
  • Sheed, Frank – Theology for Beginners
  • St. Thomas Aquinas – My Way of Life
  • Vidmar, John – The Catholic Church Through the AgesSt. Augustine – Confessions
  • Baur, Benedict – Frequent Confession, In Silence with God
  • Boylan, Eugene – Difficulties in Mental Prayer, This Tremendous Lover
  • Burke, Cormack – Covenanted Happiness
  • St. Catherine of Siena – Little Talks with God
  • Chautard, Jean-Baptiste – The Soul of the Apostolate
  • D’Elbee, Jean – I Believe in Love
  • De Caussaude, Jean – Abandonment to Divine Providence
  • De Montfort, Louis – True Devotion to Mary
  • St. Francis de Sales – Introduction to the Devout Life
  • Escriva, St. Josemaria – Christ Is Passing By, Friends of God, The Way, Furrow, The Forge, Way of the Cross
  • St. Faustina – Divine Mercy in my Soul (Diary)
  • Garrigou-Lagrange, Reginald – The Three Ages of the Interior Life
  • St. John of the Cross – Dark Night of the Soul
  • Kempis, Thomas – The Imitation of Christ
  • Ligouri, Alphonsus – Uniformity with God’s Will, The 12 Steps to Holiness & Salvation
  • Louis of Granada – The Sinner’s Guide
  • Lovasik, Lawrence – The Hidden Power of Kindness
  • Martinez, Luis – True Devotion to the Holy Spirit
  • Newman, John Henry – The Idea of a University, Parochial and Plain Sermons
  • Perquin, Bonaventure – Abba, Father
  • Philippe, Jacques – Interior Freedom
  • Pinckaers, Servais – The Pursuit of Happiness – God’s Way
  • Rohrbach, Peter Thomas – Conversation with Christ
  • Scupoli, Lorenzo – Spiritual Combat
  • Sertillanges, A.G. – The Intellectual Life
  • Sheed, Frank – To Know Christ Jesus
  • Sheen, Fulton – Three to Get Married
  • Tanqueray, Adolphe – The Spiritual Life
  • St. Teresa of Avila – Way of PerfectionSt. Thomas More – The Sadness of Christ
  • Mother Teresa – Come Be My Light
  • Von Hildebrand, Dietrich – Transformation in Christ
  • Pope Benedict XVI – Jesus of Nazareth, The Spirit of the Liturgy
  • Benson, Robert Hugh – Lord of the World
  • Bernanos, Georges – Diary of a Country Priest
  • Cervantes, Miguel – Don Quixote
  • Cizek, Walter – He Leadeth Me
  • Chesterton, G.K. – St. Francis of Assisi, St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Dante – The Divine Comedy
  • Day, Dorothy – The Long Loneliness
  • De La Palma, Luis – The Sacred Passion
  • Greene, Graham – The Power and the Glory
  • Guardini, Romano – The Lord
  • Holzner, Joseph – Paul of Tarsus
  • Hopkins, Gerard Manley – Poems
  • Pope John XXIII – Journal of a Soul
  • Manzoni, Alessandro – The Betrothed
  • Merton, Thomas – The Seven Storey Mountain
  • Monti, James – The King’s Good Servant but God’s First
  • More, St. Thomas – The Sadness of Christ
  • Muggeridge, Malcom – Something Beautiful for God
  • Newman, John Henry – Apologia Pro Vita Sua
  • O’Connor, Flannery – The Complete Stories
  • Percy, Walker – Lost in the Cosmos, Love in the Ruins
  • Sheen, Fulton – The Life of Christ
  • Sienkiewicz, Henryk – Quo Vadis
  • Stein, Edith – Woman
  • Suarez, Frederico – Mary of Nazareth
  • St. Teresa of Avila – Interior Castle
  • St. Therese of Lisieux – Story of A Soul
  • Tolkien, J.R.R. – The Lord of the Rings
  • Trochu, Francois – The Cure of Ars
  • Undset, Sigrid – Kristen Lavransdatter Trilogy
  • Von Hildebrand, Alice – The Privilege of Being a Woman
  • Walsh, William Thomas – Our Lady of Fatima
  • Waugh, Evelyn – Brideshead Revisited
  • Wegemer, Gerard – Thomas More: Portrait of Courage
  • Weigel, George – Witness to Hope